Thursday, May 5, 2016

Finally! You can reconnect with old friends within minutes!

Are you curious about what happened to your old friends from high school, your neighbors growing up, college buddies? Well now you can find out within minutes. Here are the steps you should take

1.) Gather all the information you have about the person you’d like to search for
2.) Type their name into (And the state if you know that information)
3.) Hit search and you will be able to uncover addresses, phone numbers, emails, and more!

It’s that simple!

What exactly is Hero Searches and how does it work? Hero Searches is a public and criminal records search engine. It gathers online records and places them in an easy to read document that you can download to your computer. Anyone can use this background check service as long as the information provided is used within the confines of what is legal. Users can find this information outlined in the company’s terms and conditions.

I recently received an email from my alma matter about a 10 year college reunion. I started thinking back to the old days of my 21-year-old college experiences and decided to try and find his old roommate. After spending a few hours navigating numerous public record sites I realized that I was running into dead ends.  After that waste of time, I spent some time researching criminal records sites online and decided to try Hero Searches. Within two minutes I was able to sort through the names matching my roommates name and find her address and phone number!

Also, when I was using the site to look up people I had attended college with, I was surprised to discover that one of my college soccer teammates passed away in 2013. Then I saw that another friend in college had been arrested for stealing a car.  I never realized how much information I could uncover until I tried Hero Searches. The best part is, if I meet someone new and they get on my bad side or I don’t feel right about them, I can just use a reverse phone number search free. I would definitely suggest this service to others!

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